Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Yay! Yay! Yay!

I miss my appointment today. >.<  Honestly, I forgot about it. The email remainder was sent out the day of the appointment. I'd rather have it sent a day early. I rarely forget an appointment. You can tell I have a lot of things going on. Should I divulge everything to you all at once? I'd rather not. But I'm sure you would like that. =P I know. I know. I should spill it all in my blog but I'd rather make it suspenseful for you guys. ;-P

Baked oatmeal raisin cookies for the first time today. It was for my awesome friend Leiker who is deployed. I hope she likes them. Chip liked them. I brought some to work since I baked over 36 cookies. I will be baking more for my other deployed friends. I just need to find out what kind of cookies they want. I prefer to bake something that they like.

So much for trying to lose weight... 0-0  I couldn't resist myself when Chip and Luke stopped by at work to surprise me with some creme brulee. I regret it after I ate it.... ALL. lol. Marjorie called around the time Chip and Luke came over. It has been hectically busy for the last three weeks for her. And it will continue to be that way until mid-May. She recently found out that her medical internship application got approved. She deserves it. What can I say? I am so DAMN PROUD of my sister! =)

Great news!! Two of my closest friends, Charlene and AJ, are coming down next weekend to visit! Yay! Yay! Yay! I am so excited!! Super-ecstatic! Aj just got back from deployment last week. She actually booked her ticket today and Charlene is driving up from Florida.  Finally, a REUNION!!! I can't wait for them to meet my son. =) I miss them so much! Next weekend will be awesome!!

Dee, (if you ever read this) back to work!! J/K. =P See you next week on mid shift my favorite base-op. =)

Here is an old picture of my two girlfriends and me. I can't wait!! Watch out, Savannah! ;)


Monday, April 16, 2012

A Twig And A Branch

It was soooo hot today. The workout was great. I wonder if I lost any pounds. I haven't weigh myself for awhile now... not since my last doctor's appointment. I'm hoping I lost a few. It is so hard shedding these prego pounds. I wish I have a workout buddy. Chip doesn't even work out. Oh, that lucky monkey. He has such a high metabolism just like my sister Marjorie. When Marjorie and I were little, many thought we were twins. I was never obese but being compared with Marjorie... Yes, I was the fat twin. She was blessed with a higher metabolism. She was a twig while I was the branch or trunk... lol.

I went straight to work after PT. It was quite busy during my whole shift. It always is on a Monday. Swings this week and mids the next. Luke and Chip even stopped by. Hanged out for a bit and brought some burgers and fries from Five Guys. Do you like malt vinegar?? I have never met anyone who dips their french fries in malt vinegar until I met Chip. He brought some today for our fries. I use to hate the taste of it. Now, I don't. Weird. I guess my taste buds change.

Luke was superhyper when I got home. I was playing with him and was hoping that he would be tired soon. Golly! Nope. This boy still has so much energy! He is such a comedian too! I had to give him to his daddy for a little bit. He didn't want his daddy though. He wanted mommy. I was finally able to get him to sleep after two hours of playing with him. As he gets older I know it will take more than two hours that's for sure. Haha. He is such an amazing baby with a wonderful personality. I love him! I enjoy every minute of it.


Here is a picture of Luke and I. The second picture is Luke and my sister Marjorie. See how she's still petite! She got her high metabolism from our mom.

Gosh, I can hear the helicopters hovering so low outside. They should call it a night. It's midnight.

Good night, Peeps!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

*He Is The Apple To My Eyes*

He Is The Apple To My Eyes

I remember hearing this phrase from someone when I was younger. I never really quite understood it back then but I'm sure you know who I am talking about when I say this now: "He's The Apple To My Eyes". =)

Earlier today, I took Luke's six month photoshoot. I was trying to figure out what his theme will be for his six month pictures. I finally had an idea. =)

Also, I made some new friends when I was outside taking Luke's pictures. They were three houses down from us and were hilarious people. They invited us to come over next weekend. Awesome thing was they were interested with my work and wanted me to take their family pictures. I told them I'm still kind of a newbie/amateur even though I had taken a photography class. They gave me their email address so that I can send them some of my work to see if they are still interested. Hey, you never know.... I can make some money on the side. ;-) $$$$$$ *cha-ching* $$$$$$

While I was outside with Luke, Chip was watching his hockey games. I can hear him yell inside with pure glee.  It's similiar to the sound of Tigger's laughter "Whoo Hoo Hoo" (in Winnie-The-Pooh) but only louder and followed with "YEAAAH!!! Obviously, our Flyers are winning. =)

After the shoot, I put on our swim gears and had Luke played with his Nemo sprinklers. He wanted to reach out and play with it but he didn't like the sprinklers. I believe he didn't like the sprays in his face. Chip tried to blow up the big pool earlier. I told him to buy the pump but he refuses and said he can blow it up. I told him it was awfully big and I'm not helping him blow that pool up. It will take forever! He was outside for over thirty minutes blowing that thing. Finally, he can back in and said that his mouth hurts. I started laughing at him. Today was fun.

Anyways, here is one of Luke's six month photos. I will post more soon. ;-)


Saturday, April 14, 2012


Slept around 2am and woke up from Luke's cries around 8am. I wonder if he just had a dreadful dream since he was still asleep. Poor baby. =( I still feel exhausted after I got up. My whole body is extremely sore after that workout from yesterday.

As soon as I picked up Luke and comforted him, he slowly opened his eyes and gave me the sweetest smile. You can just forget about everything with that mesmerizing smile of his. I started singing "You are My Sunshine". Even though I'm not the greatest singer, he loves to listen and then coo along with me every now and then. This has been a traditional for us every weekend. I wish I could do it during the weekdays but it's difficult working a shift schedule.

I placed Luke in his jumperoo when we got to the living room and played his favorite movie Rio. We have played this movie so much that I know every single line and song by heart. Aside from his jumperoo that his daddy got him for Christmas last year, his favorite hang-out spots is his swing from his Aunt Christin. He just loves to chill there while we either play Sprout/Rio or read his Dr. Seuss book's to him. His favorite Dr. Seuss book is "Oh Say Can You Say What's the Weather Today". ;-) Yeah, that's right. hehe. What's your children's favorite?

So I wonder what the plan will be today. It's going to be a gorgeous day outside here in Savannah. I guess it's either blow out the swimming pool that I just bought for Luke or hang out in the park with a lake that is just around the corner of where we live. It might not even be that. Hmm... I guess we'll see. =) What are your plans?

Have an amazing day, everyone.


Friday, April 13, 2012

Did it!

I finally did it! I finally have my very own blog account website. =) I have been contemplating about it for weeks and I just never get around to it. I mean... I have time to go on a computer but darn Facebook and Pinterest!

Anyways, I'm pretty excited about this. So here it goes... Yay!

I don't know what it was this week but it seemed dreadfully long to me. All I wanted was to go home and spend time with my son Luke. He doesn't want me to leave his side lately. He is usually closer to his father but not for the last week and a half. I guess it's mommy and baby bonding time. =)

What I was dreading at work today was that I had to brief an aircraft crew unit in an auditorium concerning weather. And even though I'm the subject matter expert...  I was still a bit nervous. It turned out better than I thought in the end. I just have to work on my pace. Apparently, I was flying awfully fast with the powerpoint slide. Nervousness? Most likely! Haha. Even though I have given briefings a million times to my fellow coworkers, it's just different with a large group of new people. 

Also, I was able to push myself harder durimg PT today. Here's to getting my sexy back SOON!

I guess this will be a short one. It is 01:13am. Time for bed. Good night, everyone!